Corporativo GTO Group has, as one of its main priorities, to contribute to the sustainable development of Mexican society, always concerned about the environment in its commercial operations, acting with principles, values and current legal regulations that favor comprehensive and collective development.
Social responsibility today proposes a new vision of corporate ethics. It makes possible to humanize the role of the organization in society and integrate it into a scenario where it develops, endorsing the desires of its inhabitants.
For this reason, we have global quality recognitions and certifications in our different companies, such as:
· For eight years, we have been acknowledged as a Socially Responsible Company.
· For eight consecutive years, we have undersigned the United Nations World Pact (Global Compact) with the firm objective of strengthening areas of human rights and business, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption struggle
· We have the certification of Good Agricultural Practices under the Primus GFS scheme.
As strategic partners in the mining sector, we share
with our clients the goal of contributing to the wellbeing and development of the populations that
surround our operations.
We have been acknowledged with the “Socially
Responsible Company” distinction, awarded by the
Mexican Philanthropy Center (CEMEFI) for the
implementation of good practices and processes of
sustainability, good governance and care for the
environment that are applied in our production
In the companies belonging to the GTO Corporate Group, we have deployed our charitable capacity in practices such as: offering scholarships in nationally acknowledged institutions, support for our employees in the event of natural disasters, donation of blankets and pantries, incentives for our employees at the end of the year, granting uniforms for sports tournaments, offering spaces for the professional practices of future collaborators.